Professor for Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Culture

Author: Boukje Cnossen

My current Phd research

In my PhD research I conduct qualitative research into the organisational processes involved in art making. I draw on various theoretical approaches, among which actor-network theory, in order to understand how art objects relate to the social processes from which they emerge, and how this challenges existing institutional contexts. I have presented and published my work here. I have also given guest lectures at various universities and art schools. Some media outlets

Some media outlets:

[ezcol_1third] De Correspondent
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third] breedxl
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]folia

[/ezcol_1third_end] [ezcol_1third] HP de Tijd
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third] Mister Mother
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have interviewed me about my research. I am also a member of Vizier, a Dutch-Belgian research collective of young academics working at the intersection of culture and economics.

Published books:



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Boukje Cnossen

LinkedIN: Bekijk mijn profiel hier
Twitter: @boukjecnossen

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freelance research

I made an ethnographic study of various creative hubs for the University of Amsterdam. I investigated the impact of technology on art in public space for the University of Melbourne. I developed educational programmes for the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and helped set up the Métamatic Research Initiative. close

writing on art

My reviews and essays have appeared in art and culture magazines such as Rekto:verso, Theatermaker, De Gids, Metropolis M and Time Out Magazine. I continue to contribute essays to artist publications and catalogues. close

a book

The book, entitled The Volkskrant Building: Manufacturing Difference in Amsterdam’s creative city, is based on more than a year of intensive fieldwork in what is now called the Volkshotel. By following the different parties which were involved in turning this building into the nexus of creative Amsterdam (city government, former squatters, and artists and creative workers), it provides a critical approach to the creative city idea that has become a staple among city governments and policy makers. The book, co-authored with Sebastian Olma, is available here.close


I worked for Dutch newspapers NRC Handelsblad, NRC Next and Het Parool, covering art and culture events. close

rather unorthodox combination of degrees

I hold a BA in Religious Studies from the University of Amsterdam, a Master of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies from The London Consortium (University of London), my research is situated at the intersection of cultural studies and organization studies. I teach and have taught in the areas of organization theory, qualitative research methods, new forms of organizing, creative entrepreneurship, and labour in the cultural industries.

(C) 2015 - 2022 Boukje Cnossen.